Table puts @ (at) signs instead of " (speech marks)



I'm running Word 2002 on XP Professional. I defined a 2-column table
in a new document and began entering data. I'd done about 200 rows
when for no apparent reason, shift-2, which on my UK keyboard normally
gives speech marks, started producing an @ (at) sign, while the @ key
gives the speech marks. I've had this key transposition problem on the
PC before and corrected it with the "settings" option on the language
toolbar (I also have Thai language/keyboard set up on my PC), but the
language bar says the keyboard is definitely set to the normal UK
layout. Even more weirdly, shift-2 still gives speech marks above row
52 in the table, outside of the table, in a different document and in
other applications, but below that particular row the key
transposition occurs, even though AFAIK I've not changed any
formatting on row 52 or below it. This is very frustrating! Any ideas?

Many thanks


My post has gone unanswered, but no matter. Just in case anyone here
is interested in why this happened, I have since worked it out (albeit
by accident). At some point in the document the language Word was
using changed from English (UK) to English (US), which altered the
keyboard layout. Double-clicking "English (US)" in the centre bottom
toolbar enabled me to change it back and now the keyboard is typing in
UK English again. The thing is, I didn't make the change deliberately.
It seems the Word Help feature might have something to do with it: I
was just typing a letter, starting in English (UK), and having written
"Dear Sir" Clippit appeared automatically and asked if I wanted any
help with the letter. I cancelled him and carried on typing but from
that point on, the language had changed to English (US). Easily
rectified, it seems, but a slightly annoying bug.


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