InmateId In_Out HU CellNo Bunk MvDate
140060 In 4 127 B 18-Jan-06
140060 Out 8 18 18-Jan-06
497386 In 7 137 T 18-Jan-06
497386 Out 8 27 18-Jan-06
237480 In 8 1 17-Jan-06
237480 Out 7 245 B 17-Jan-06
536235 In C 75 B 17-Jan-06
536235 Out A 37 17-Jan-06
467801 In 5 123 T 16-Jan-06
467801 Out 4 158 B 16-Jan-06
258327 In 5 118 T 16-Jan-06
258327 Out 4 158 T 16-Jan-06
478494 In 8 22 15-Jan-06
478494 Out 6 117 B 15-Jan-06
229895 In 8 6 15-Jan-06
229895 Out 7 156 B 15-Jan-06
The above is a table that is programmatically written to each time an inmate moves from one bunk to another. The inspector wants to know who all lived in HU (Housing Unit) 4 on a specific date. Is it possible to extract this data from this table? IOW, who were the last inmates to move into HU 4 prior to the date in question?
Many thanx,
140060 In 4 127 B 18-Jan-06
140060 Out 8 18 18-Jan-06
497386 In 7 137 T 18-Jan-06
497386 Out 8 27 18-Jan-06
237480 In 8 1 17-Jan-06
237480 Out 7 245 B 17-Jan-06
536235 In C 75 B 17-Jan-06
536235 Out A 37 17-Jan-06
467801 In 5 123 T 16-Jan-06
467801 Out 4 158 B 16-Jan-06
258327 In 5 118 T 16-Jan-06
258327 Out 4 158 T 16-Jan-06
478494 In 8 22 15-Jan-06
478494 Out 6 117 B 15-Jan-06
229895 In 8 6 15-Jan-06
229895 Out 7 156 B 15-Jan-06
The above is a table that is programmatically written to each time an inmate moves from one bunk to another. The inspector wants to know who all lived in HU (Housing Unit) 4 on a specific date. Is it possible to extract this data from this table? IOW, who were the last inmates to move into HU 4 prior to the date in question?
Many thanx,