Table Re-numbering



OK, when I have 2 documents with tables on each one, and
I merge, it renumbers the second set of documents.

For example, tables 1-3 exist on the first document, and
tables 1-4 on the second document. I want to keep the
numbering as 1-4 on the second document, but Word
automatically re-numbers them to 4-7.

How can I prevent the renumbering?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Mg,

You're using "Captions" to generate the numbering, I take

This feature uses SEQ fields to create the numbers. An SEQ
field is assigned to a named sequence; all the fields in
the same sequence will number consecutively.

- Press Alt+F9 to view the field codes

- Change the sequence name (Tables is probably what Word
has used, by default) for the tables that should be in
their own group. (TablesII would be valid, for example)

-Alt+F9 to hide the field codes

- Now combine the documents (or, if all the tables are
already in one document, Ctrl+A, F9 to force the fields to
OK, when I have 2 documents with tables on each one, and
I merge, it renumbers the second set of documents.

For example, tables 1-3 exist on the first document, and
tables 1-4 on the second document. I want to keep the
numbering as 1-4 on the second document, but Word
automatically re-numbers them to 4-7.

How can I prevent the renumbering?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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