My son is a football coach. I'm trying to set up a DB that he can use to
look at a variety of values related to a player in a variety of different
ways. All data are related to the athlete, so I really only need one table.
However, in order to not store calculated values and not hardcode formulas
into the queries of that single table, I'd rather use tables that use a
calculated value to determine other, basically calculated, values. For
example, if a player lifts more than 630 pounds (total of 3 weight lifting
exercises), then he is in Group 1; between 560 and 630, Group 2, etc. The
coach will enter values for the three exercises and a query can calculate the
total, but how do I then use that value to access the table that will return
the Group number? In Excel, it's a 'lookup' function. Then there are
subgroups within each group, used to distribute the players among limited
numbers of weight lifting stations. If the player is in Group 1 and bench
presses less than 215 lbs, then he's in sub-group B, otherwise he's in
sub-group A. Seems like another table keyed by calculated values. However,
I'm having trouble discovering how to do this.
look at a variety of values related to a player in a variety of different
ways. All data are related to the athlete, so I really only need one table.
However, in order to not store calculated values and not hardcode formulas
into the queries of that single table, I'd rather use tables that use a
calculated value to determine other, basically calculated, values. For
example, if a player lifts more than 630 pounds (total of 3 weight lifting
exercises), then he is in Group 1; between 560 and 630, Group 2, etc. The
coach will enter values for the three exercises and a query can calculate the
total, but how do I then use that value to access the table that will return
the Group number? In Excel, it's a 'lookup' function. Then there are
subgroups within each group, used to distribute the players among limited
numbers of weight lifting stations. If the player is in Group 1 and bench
presses less than 215 lbs, then he's in sub-group B, otherwise he's in
sub-group A. Seems like another table keyed by calculated values. However,
I'm having trouble discovering how to do this.