table relationships



i've designed a 5 level table :
customers, projects, details, labor, materials
one customer can have many projects,
one project can have many details
one detail can have many labor and/or materials

problem is that when I pull up the table in the "table"
open, i can click the + sign to go one level deep from
customers to projects, and then click it's + sign to go
one more deep into details, but then I don't see any more
plus signs to go deeper into the labor and/or materials -
does access only allow 3 deep ? i set these up with the
wizard, which allowed me to define 1 detail to many labor
and materials - and if i open the labor table, i see the
+ sign that shows the detail it's related to.


John Vinson

problem is that when I pull up the table in the "table"
open, i can click the + sign to go one level deep from
customers to projects, and then click it's + sign to go
one more deep into details, but then I don't see any more
plus signs to go deeper into the labor and/or materials -

That's one of many, many reasons not to use the very limited Datasheet
for anything other than debugging.

Build Forms with Subforms. You can nest subforms up to seven deep,
though in practice this will make your forms load VERY slowly and make
them look painfully busy; unless you need to see *all* the details
from *all* the levels simultaneously, it's not really necessary. You
could have (frex) a Form for Customers listing all their Projects on a
subform; and a second Form (openable by a command button on the first
form's subform) showing a Project, its Details, and perhaps labor and
materials on a sub-subform.

Use the tools that Access provides! Forms are MUCH more controllable
and much more powerful than datasheets. Of course they're also much
more work... but you get what you pay for!

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