Table Relationships


Bill Dobie

My wife is an Interior Designer working in Miami and I have been
keeping her Customer Data for her using Microsoft Access. Unfornuately
I just swirched from using Office 97 and Windows 98 to Windows XP and
Office XP thinking the system would easily convert. It DOES NOT!

I am now having to rebuild her data, which has been running
uniterupted since Access VersionI in 1992.

I have built a new Customer Master Table, It looks good. I have also
built a new CityName Table, which contains most of the larger cities
around Miami and want to relate this Table with the City in the
Customer Master File, which has a default value of "Miami" but would
pickup the value from the CityName Table if the City is not Miami and
the User start typing a value. What is this called? As you see, I have
forgotten a lot and need help.

Bill Dobie. Miami

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