Table Storage


Carl Johnman

I have been asked to add a field (done) with employees in
a combo box (done) so whoever has the medical file at
this current time thier name will show up on the form
(done). The problem I now have is my employer told me he
wants a track record of every employee that touches each
individual file because it changes hands 4-5 times a
week. Can you please help me find a way to keep a log and
store this information because right now it overwrites
each name in the table when it is changed by the user.
Thanks for any much needed help!


Dan McClelland

Whenever you have to track "history", it's best to use an
additional table to track that history. This history
table should contain the medical file number (or name),
the employee number (or name) of who had it, and whatever
other info is important (perhaps the date and time it
changed hands).

You'd then have to attach code to your combo box that adds
a record to your history table every time you make a
change. I'd use the After_Update event of the combo box.


Andrew Smith

You'll need another table for the file tracking. I would have fields for
DateOut, DateIn, FileID and EmployeeID.

The field that you've just added will be redundent I'm afraid.

You'll need to use a query that finds the employee ID of the person who last
had the file and where there is no DateIn. You'll also need a method for
checking in and out the files that will need to ensure that a file cannot be
checked out if it's already out.

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