Having a table heading repeat across multiple pages is fine, but tables often
have titles as well. Is there a way to tie a title to a particular table
(especially useful when there are multiple tables with the same heading rows
that apply to different parts of a product, for example) so that the title
repeats above the continued title? Also, is there a way to make the continued
title inform the reader that the table is continued?
For example, if I want the title to read:
Table 2.1 Temperature Characteristics, RF Section
.... and I want that title to repeat across pages, with subsequent pages
Table 2.1 Temperature Characteristics, RF Section (continued)
.... is that possible in Word? Adobe FrameMaker handles this easily. I can
find no provision for this in Word. If this feature is lacking, it is a
significant problem both for a technical writer and for the end user. This
feature has been standard in technical documentation forever. If Word can do
it, why is it hidden so well? Also, if Word has this capability, why isn't
it covered in online help?
-- Typeaux
have titles as well. Is there a way to tie a title to a particular table
(especially useful when there are multiple tables with the same heading rows
that apply to different parts of a product, for example) so that the title
repeats above the continued title? Also, is there a way to make the continued
title inform the reader that the table is continued?
For example, if I want the title to read:
Table 2.1 Temperature Characteristics, RF Section
.... and I want that title to repeat across pages, with subsequent pages
Table 2.1 Temperature Characteristics, RF Section (continued)
.... is that possible in Word? Adobe FrameMaker handles this easily. I can
find no provision for this in Word. If this feature is lacking, it is a
significant problem both for a technical writer and for the end user. This
feature has been standard in technical documentation forever. If Word can do
it, why is it hidden so well? Also, if Word has this capability, why isn't
it covered in online help?
-- Typeaux