table to xyz list



I have a worksheet like this:

200 201 202 203
199 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.6
198 6 6.2 6.1 5.8
197 6 5.5 5.6 5.3
196 5.6 0 0 0

The header row goes all the way to 299, and the first column goes from
199 to 1. What I need is an xyz style list that I can import into
mapinfo, how can I do this?

What I want is something like this:

199 200 5.8
199 201 5.7
199 202 5.6
199 203 5.6
198 200 6
198 201 6.2
198 202 6.1
198 203 5.8
197 200 6
197 201 5.5
197 202 5.6
197 203 5.3
196 200 5.6
196 201 0
196 202 0
196 202 0

Can anyone help me?


Try this:

A2 = 199
A3 = 198
B1 = 200
C1 = 201
D1 = 202
E1 = 203
B2 = 5.8
C2 = 5.7
D2 = 5.6
E2 = 5.6
B3 = 6
C3 = 6.2
D3 = 6.1
E3 = 5.8
G1 = =OFFSET(A$1,ROUNDUP(CELL("row",A1)/4,0),0
H1 = =OFFSET($A$1,0,IF(MOD(CELL("row",A1),4)=0,4,MOD(CELL("row",A1),4)))
I1 = =OFFSET($A$1,ROUNDUP(CELL("row",F1)/4,0),IF(MOD(CELL("row",A1),4)=0,4,MOD(CELL("row",A1),4)))

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