I've got an interesting problem. I'm using a spreadsheet that was sent to me
from an outside party that uses some functions that aren't calculating in my
excel. Some of the errors were fixed when installed the Analysis Toolpack as
an add-in. The function that is giving me a problem now is:
When you look at the formula bar it registers as:
However, when you click to make changes, it registers as:
I check the VBA scripts and there is nothing that it is calling from what I
could tell. Is there something else that needs to be installed, or can
someone help me with what this function is trying to do? THanks.
from an outside party that uses some functions that aren't calculating in my
excel. Some of the errors were fixed when installed the Analysis Toolpack as
an add-in. The function that is giving me a problem now is:
When you look at the formula bar it registers as:
However, when you click to make changes, it registers as:
I check the VBA scripts and there is nothing that it is calling from what I
could tell. Is there something else that needs to be installed, or can
someone help me with what this function is trying to do? THanks.