Table Using Relationship? VB or somethingelse?



I am trying to track sales for a C-store. There are 12 departments, some are taxable some are not. how can i go about creating a table or two where when pulled by a form the calculations should already know if it is taxable or not.

right now i have 2 tables

DepartmentName; Text
DepartmentTaxablel Yes / No

dept01; currency
dept02; currency
dept12; currency

Now i can not figure out how to link TblDailySales:dept01 .... :dept12 to TblDeptInfo:DepartmentName and then associate the right tax status

Gerald Stanley

I definitely recommend that you 'normalise' TblDailySales
so that one row relates to only one department. I would
also recommend that you add a primaryKey column to
TblDeptInfo which would then act as a Foreign Key on
So my tables would look like

DepartmentId; AutoNumber - PrimaryKey
DepartmentName; Text
DepartmentTaxablel Yes / No

SalesDate; Date/Time
DepartmentId; Number - Foreign Key to TblDeptInfo
Sales; currency

The link between the two tables is a simple INNER join on

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
-----Original Message-----
I am trying to track sales for a C-store. There are 12
departments, some are taxable some are not. how can i go
about creating a table or two where when pulled by a form
the calculations should already know if it is taxable or not.
right now i have 2 tables

DepartmentName; Text
DepartmentTaxablel Yes / No

dept01; currency
dept02; currency
dept12; currency

Now i can not figure out how to link TblDailySales:dept01
..... :dept12 to TblDeptInfo:DepartmentName and then
associate the right tax status

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