Table Widths



Windows 2000 and Word 2000

I began a table with one row that has 3 columns. To add
rows I simply highlight the entire row. Next I select
table, insert, rows below. An identical row is added
below the row I highlighted.

I can look at the table properties and review the
preferred width of each column in my rows.

Somehow rows in my table have been added where the columns
appear to be different widths from my original row. I do
not know how I added rows that appear to be different
widths. The first two column widths seem to agree with my
original row but the third column is not as wide as my
original row. The rows look different on the screen and
in printouts.

Looks can be deceiving though. Here is the strangest
part. When I click table properties and review the
preferred width of each column the width of the short
column agrees with the width for that column in my
original row! All the preferred widths in the short row
agree with the preferred widths in my original row. Yet
on the screen and in printouts the row is obviously
shorter than the other rows above it.

Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Peter Hewett

Hi Wayne

The cause could be any number of things! But have you tried deleting the rows
containing the offending cells and then inserting new rows?

I presume your more interested in the fix than the cause.

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Oh, I can split the table at the offending row and insert
new correctly sized rows just fine. Trouble is I have to
copy the data from the bad rows to the new rows.

I want to highlight all the 3 pages of rows that are
incorrect and press a menu choice that will fix all of
them in one go!


Peter Hewett

Hi Wayne

Just cut and paste the cells!!!

After you've split your table and have a "good" part and a "bad" part make
sure you have the same number of good new rows as bad old rows. Now select
the bad cells containing the data you want to transfer and copy it (Ctrl+C)
now select the same number rows in the good table and paste the data
(Ctrl+V). this will transfer text and its formatting but not the table layout

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Peter Hewett

Hi Wayne

Just to clarify when you select the cells in both the bad and good tables do
NOT select the end of row marks - just the cells.

Cheers - Peter



Sorry but I thought you must be daft with the Copy and
Paste suggestion. But it does work!

I make my new rows and copy and paste the info from the
bad rows right in!

Thank you very much!


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