Table with sub-Table



How can I make a table structure with a sub-table for each
record? What I need to do is create a budget application
where the line items, say for General Expense, are all in
a sub-table for that record. The sub-table records would
be Office Supplies, Purchased Clerical services,
Subscriptions and research. I have many Line Items that
need similar sub-tables but, not all Line Items would use
it's sub-table. All of the Budget Line Item Numbers are in
place and I can not modify them or the mannor in which
they are catagorized. Therefore, I have to pattern my
database after the structure of the one I am importing the
budget data from to be able to report in the same mannor
to match the expenses. Thanks to the Access community,I
have achieved much more than I am capable of achieving


Michel Walsh


A "sub-table" is a full table by its own right of birth, with a data
referential integrity rule, a relation many to one with the "referenced"
(parent) table. A standard table, at the start, with a relation.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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