Tabledef problem



Public Sub PopulateUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Update

Dim dbsTemp As Database, tdfStaff As TableDef, wrkJet As

Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)

DoCmd.Hourglass True
' Open the replica in exclusive mode.
Set dbsTemp = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("\\wro3
\Update\Update.MDB", True)

With dbsTemp
Set tdfStaff = .TableDefs("TblStaff")

At this last line, the application freezes. There is no
error message. Worked fine in September, started doing
this in November, but nothing has changed in the
environment that I'm aware of. I've tried it from
different computers, and on different servers, with
different databases.

Anybody have any ideas? I'm not sure where to look next
and I REALLY need to resolve this. Thanks for your time!


Maybe your database was already open in exclusive mode by
another user...
Maybe You have no privileges for network path.
Maybe tabledef("name") doesn't exist.

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