Bruce Baker
I have a vb program inserting a couple of tables into a word document - there are bookmark place-holder
The first table is inserted fine. Then there is a paragraph following in my document (already in the document) and then the second bookmark for the second table
The problem is that the second table is overwriting the first - it is not moving to the second bookmark in the document to insert the second table...
It definitely finds the second bookmark ok
Any ideas ? THanks
my code looks lik
On Error GoTo ErrHandler16
.activeDocument.Bookmarks("saleAcceptList").Select ' this is the first bookmar
insertSaleAcceptList person.personID, objW
On Error GoTo ErrHandler17
.activeDocument.Bookmarks("saleRejectList").Select ' this is the second bookmar
insertSaleRejectList person.personID, objWd
I have a vb program inserting a couple of tables into a word document - there are bookmark place-holder
The first table is inserted fine. Then there is a paragraph following in my document (already in the document) and then the second bookmark for the second table
The problem is that the second table is overwriting the first - it is not moving to the second bookmark in the document to insert the second table...
It definitely finds the second bookmark ok
Any ideas ? THanks
my code looks lik
On Error GoTo ErrHandler16
.activeDocument.Bookmarks("saleAcceptList").Select ' this is the first bookmar
insertSaleAcceptList person.personID, objW
On Error GoTo ErrHandler17
.activeDocument.Bookmarks("saleRejectList").Select ' this is the second bookmar
insertSaleRejectList person.personID, objWd