If this is the wrong place to post this, I apologize.
I am having a problem that I just can't seem to wrap my brain around
regarding tables and their relationships. Part of the problem is that
I am not sure I can even articulate the question, but here goes.
Database: Book_Collection
One table: tblBooks: Fields = Book_ID, Title, Author_ID, Genre_ID
2nd table: tblAuthors: Fields = Author_ID, Author_Name
In this instance, there is a one-to-may relationship between the two
tables, but when I enter records in just the Books table, how do I
know which Author_ID I should so that it coincides with what is in the
Authors table?
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
I am having a problem that I just can't seem to wrap my brain around
regarding tables and their relationships. Part of the problem is that
I am not sure I can even articulate the question, but here goes.
Database: Book_Collection
One table: tblBooks: Fields = Book_ID, Title, Author_ID, Genre_ID
2nd table: tblAuthors: Fields = Author_ID, Author_Name
In this instance, there is a one-to-may relationship between the two
tables, but when I enter records in just the Books table, how do I
know which Author_ID I should so that it coincides with what is in the
Authors table?
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.