Tables and Word Shut Down



From time to time, in WORD 2000 and Windows 2000, I will
be editing a table, usually resizing a column or row, and
my computer will shut down or lock up. It is not
repeatable. Anyone have any ideas on what might cause
this? I am using Office Professional 2000 and have no
problems with the other software. Thanks in advance.


It could be that Word runs out of memory. It's difficult
to anticipate when it will happen because it depends on
how big the doc is, how many tables are in it, how many
levels of undo it's working with, how much repaginating
it has to do, the other applications you've got open etc
etc. Sometimes it will tell you: Word is out of memory,
and then you can just reboot, but more often than not it
just dies.

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