tables & graphics in Word 2007



I am having an ongoing problem using MS Word 2007 on XP Pro for my
photography invoices. I have text on top (client name, address, invoice#,
date, etc.). I insert an Excel spreadsheet into the doc below that to
calculate the fees & expenses. Below the spreadsheet is a little more text
(payment terms), and below that, a small picture from the shoot.

Here's what's happening:

I use the previous invoice to this client as a template. I change the date,
invoice#, and any amounts in the Excel spreadsheet, I delete the previous
picture. Up to this point everything is fine. Then I try to insert the new
picture and the Excel table from above moves down to the next page. I drag
the table back up to where it's supposed to be, and it is no longer
centered. I try to center it and it jumps back down to a second page.

Why am I having so much trouble getting this table to stay in the same
place? It is narrower than the margins and a total of only two columns and
nine rows. There is no reasom why this should not fit all on one page
exactly as I have laid it out.

Thank you

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Without seeing the actual document, it is hard to tell why that is
happening. A work around might be to create the invoice as a Word table
with fixed cell dimensions and then insert the spreadsheet and graphic into
the relevant cells of that table.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Jay Freedman

It sounds like the spreadsheet and graphic are both being inserted as floating
objects. It would be better to insert them as in-line objects.

For things that you'll paste in the future, go to Office button > Word Options >
Advanced, in the "Cut, copy, paste" section, and set the "Insert/paste pictures
as" dropdown to "In line with text".

For floating objects that are already in a document, you can change them to
in-line. If the Picture Tools ribbon appears when you select the object, click
the Text Wrapping button and choose "In line with text". If that ribbon doesn't
appear, right-click the object and choose Format Object; on the Layout tab of
the dialog, choose "In line with text". When the object is in-line in a
paragraph by itself, you can apply centered paragraph formatting (Ctrl+E).


Thanks Jay. I think that may be it. I right-clicked the excel spreadsheet,
went to the Layout tab, selected inline w/ text. Then tried deleting &
re-pasting the picture and it seemed not to cause the excel spreadsheet to
move. I do notice though that the width of the spreadsheet expands to the
margins when I use this option. Not a big deal I guess.

I have to admit I don't know where my "Office button" is and I'm not sure if
I know what the "Picture Tools ribbon" is. I do have the drawing toolbar

Thanks again.

Jay Freedman

Since your subject line said Word 2007, that's the version I gave instructions

If what you have is actually Word 2003 or earlier, the translations are:

- Instead of 'Office button > Word Options > Advanced, in the "Cut, copy, paste"
section', substitute 'Tools > Options > Edit'.

- Instead of "Picture Tools ribbon", you should see the Picture toolbar when a
picture is selected (if you don't see it, click View > Toolbars > Picture).


Hey, you're right. I don't have Word 2007. It's 2003. Never knew I had a
Pictures toolbar either.

I did write another invoice today and it worked perfectly.


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