Tables in a form


Dano O'D

Good morning,

I am creating a form using the Forms toolbar and intend to lock the document
so that users can only Fill in forms. One area of the document calls for
users to paste a table they have already created in another document. I would
like to set the document up this way because each user's table could be
different from other users. I have tried creating a blank table that the
users can manipulate, but I notice that when the document is locked, a table
cannot be edited anyway.

Is there any way to mark the position of a table in a form so that people
can copy and paste their own, or short of that, simply to put an editable
table in a form so that people can manipulate the table the way they would
like and then copy and paste the content from their other document?




Have you tried using a non-protected section in your form?
You do not mention the Word version you are using, please do so. So we can
help better.

Dano O'D

Hi Luc,

I'm using Word 2003, sorry I didn't mention that before.

Is there a way to have a non-protected section in the form when using the
Editing Restrictions/Filling in forms option?



Charles Kenyon

Yes, but you do need to have the additional section before you'll get an
option to protect certain sections.
Charles Kenyon

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