Tables in headers


Raphael Goubet


If I have a table in the header of a document, they are not included
in the Tables collection. I.e, if I run the following loop, whatever
action it contains won't be applied to the tables in headers:

Dim MyTable As Table
For Each MyTable In ActiveDocument.Tables


Next MyTable

Why is that?


Dave Lett

Hi Raphael,

Word uses story ranges, and the Header/Footer is in a different storyrange
than the main text. Therefore, when you cycle through the tables in
ActiveDocument.Tables, you're cycling through the tables in the Main

To access a table, you have to identify the section and the header/footer.
Or, you could cycle through all the story ranges, and then the tables in
each storyrange, as in the following:

Dim oTbl As Table
Dim oStry
For Each oStry In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
For Each oTbl In oStry.Tables
Debug.Print oTbl.Rows.Count
Next oTbl
Next oStry


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