I've designed a number of template forms for staff to use
which are accessed via a server. However, we've hit a
problem with using cut and paste within a form text
field. When trying to select only parts of text the whole
lot is highlighted and we can't find a way round this. As
staff have to complete lots of different paperwork with
duplicate data, is there something I've done wrong here,
or is this a 'bug' that there is a fix for? We're using
Word 2000 (can't get the bosses to upgrade any higher)
although I'm aware of other problems we have had to
overcome with fixes.
which are accessed via a server. However, we've hit a
problem with using cut and paste within a form text
field. When trying to select only parts of text the whole
lot is highlighted and we can't find a way round this. As
staff have to complete lots of different paperwork with
duplicate data, is there something I've done wrong here,
or is this a 'bug' that there is a fix for? We're using
Word 2000 (can't get the bosses to upgrade any higher)
although I'm aware of other problems we have had to
overcome with fixes.