Tables - MERGE




Just need a little bit of advise.

I have produced A merge source from ACCESS,and have had
moderate success, my only problems is once the new
document has been produced, where I should have 12 or
more lines of data on the first page, I only get the
first line of data appearing, the second page shows the
the rest of the lines for the Field label Session_ID,
after that everypage appears to be OK, for each session
the correct amount of records/lines are shown for each
page, so the problem is only on the first page.
The Code as shown here

{SET Place1{MERGE Session_ID|}{IF{Place2}<>{Place1}"

Perhaps I am doing something wrong, I have tried removing
the spaces but these dont re-address the problem?

Any help Would be most appreciated



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I would think that there must be more to your field construction than you
have shown us. Seeing it all may make it easier to sort out.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hi Doug

Yes, I should have given you the details within the
There are ten fields of data which are Merged in the
document as shown below

0.14 30.80 80.94 -50.14 Pass 21.68 67.95 -
46.27 Pass Yes

Toggling the Field codes:
{SET Place1{MERGEFIELD Session_ID}}{IF{Place2}<>{Place1}"

Selecting the IF statement and toggling the fields you
obtain the following:

{MERGEFIELD Freq \# "0.00"} {MERGEFIELD QP_Amp \#"0.00"}
etc. so there are ten fields excluding the Session ID
Field and are all the same format.

Selecting MERGEFIELD Session_ID and toggling on this a
Zero "0" of sorts appears, this also occurs when toggling
Place1 and Place2.
Toggling the SET Place1 Field brings the cursor to the
beginning of the document.

I hope this helps





To give you a clearer picture of things I have shown
details of the completed merged document here:
Page 1

0.14 30.80 80.94 -50.14 Pass 21.68 67.95 -
46.27 Pass Yes

Page 2

0.18 26.80 79.00 -52.20 Pass 15.51 66.00 -
50.49 Pass Yes
1.56 47.92 73.00 -25.08 Pass 33.53 60.00 -
26.47 Pass Yes
1.56 47.92 73.00 -25.08 Pass 33.53 60.00 -
26.47 Pass Yes
1.82 57.42 73.00 -15.58 Pass 43.99 60.00 -
16.01 Pass Yes

Notice that on the first page there is no Session_ID
Number this begins on page 2.

Again i hope this helps




It looks as if I have find the problem, and its down to
The Session_ID had an error in the first record within
the database, It should have been One where as it had a
zero, replacing this fixed the problem as detailed in my
last post "Additional INFO".



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