

Jason Frazer

The form name is "Customers" It has a SQL statement that
refernances 2 tables. Table [Table_Tax_Rate] has 5
fields. [Zip code] which is the primary key, [Inside City
Limits], [Inside City Limits tax rate], [Outside City
Limits] &[Outside City Limits tax rate]. Table
[Table_Customer] has [Zipcode], [incitylimits],
[Customer_Tax Rate] "incitylimits" is a pickbox field.

What I need this to do is the follow:
When I click on button "Update tax" It would need to run a
VB routine that will look at the zip code in field
[Zipcode] and look in the table [Table_Tax_Rate] and go to
the record with that zipcode and then go to field [Inside
City Limits tax rate] if [incitylimits] is checked. If
[incitylimits] is not checked go to [Outside City Limits
tax rate] and set that value to [Customer_Tax Rate]. How
can I do this?

Thanks for your time and help

Jason Frazer

Jonathan Parminter

-----Original Message-----
The form name is "Customers" It has a SQL statement that
refernances 2 tables. Table [Table_Tax_Rate] has 5
fields. [Zip code] which is the primary key, [Inside City
Limits], [Inside City Limits tax rate], [Outside City
Limits] &[Outside City Limits tax rate]. Table
[Table_Customer] has [Zipcode], [incitylimits],
[Customer_Tax Rate] "incitylimits" is a pickbox field.

What I need this to do is the follow:
When I click on button "Update tax" It would need to run a
VB routine that will look at the zip code in field
[Zipcode] and look in the table [Table_Tax_Rate] and go to
the record with that zipcode and then go to field [Inside
City Limits tax rate] if [incitylimits] is checked. If
[incitylimits] is not checked go to [Outside City Limits
tax rate] and set that value to [Customer_Tax Rate]. How
can I do this?

Thanks for your time and help

Jason Frazer
Hi Jason, use online help for info on the function
dlookup. Use the following as an example...

private sub cmdUpdatetax_Click()
dim strCriteria as string
dim strField as string
dim curTaxRate as currency

if chkInCityLimits then
strField="Inside City Limits tax rate"
strField="Outside City Limits tax rate"
end if

strCriteria="[Zipcode]=" & chr(34) & txtZipcode & chr(34)


txtCustomer_Tax Rate=curTaxRate

end sub

the above assumes that zip codes are alphanumeric. If they
are numeric then leave off the chr(34).

Luck & Happy New Year

Jason Frazer

I'm having trouble getting this code to work.
I get the following error "Data type mismatch in criteria
expression" I know the error is created during the
dlookup operation. The data type
for "OutsideCityLimitsTaxRate"
and "InsideCityLimitsTaxRate" is currency with a standard
format. The data type for "ZipCode" and "PostalCode" is

Here is the code I have so far:

Private Sub Command69_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command69_Click
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strField As String
Dim curTaxRate As Currency

Rem DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

If chkInsideCityLimits Then
strField = "InsideCityLimitsTaxRate"
strField = "OutsideCityLimitsTaxRate"
End If

strCriteria = "ZipCode=" & [PostalCode]

curTaxRate = DLookup(strField, "Table_Tax_Rate",

[Sales Tax Rate] = curTaxRate

MsgBox "Tax Information was updated."

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command69_Click

End Sub

Thanks for you help and time

Jason Frazer
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
The form name is "Customers" It has a SQL statement that
refernances 2 tables. Table [Table_Tax_Rate] has 5
fields. [Zip code] which is the primary key, [Inside City
Limits], [Inside City Limits tax rate], [Outside City
Limits] &[Outside City Limits tax rate]. Table
[Table_Customer] has [Zipcode], [incitylimits],
[Customer_Tax Rate] "incitylimits" is a pickbox field.

What I need this to do is the follow:
When I click on button "Update tax" It would need to run a
VB routine that will look at the zip code in field
[Zipcode] and look in the table [Table_Tax_Rate] and go to
the record with that zipcode and then go to field [Inside
City Limits tax rate] if [incitylimits] is checked. If
[incitylimits] is not checked go to [Outside City Limits
tax rate] and set that value to [Customer_Tax Rate]. How
can I do this?

Thanks for your time and help

Jason Frazer
Hi Jason, use online help for info on the function
dlookup. Use the following as an example...

private sub cmdUpdatetax_Click()
dim strCriteria as string
dim strField as string
dim curTaxRate as currency

if chkInCityLimits then
strField="Inside City Limits tax rate"
strField="Outside City Limits tax rate"
end if

strCriteria="[Zipcode]=" & chr(34) & txtZipcode & chr(34)


txtCustomer_Tax Rate=curTaxRate

end sub

the above assumes that zip codes are alphanumeric. If they
are numeric then leave off the chr(34).

Luck & Happy New Year

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