Tablet 2005 - Buggy?



After an exchange earlier on this site, I've re-loaded WIN XP@ w/ Tablet
2005. I though that maybe an earlier installation may have been corrupted or
something. Several posters said how much imprived I would find the writing
pad, recognition, etc. Well, I see no improvement. I have a brand-new Fujitsu
Stylistic 5010 with all the bells and whistles, running WIN XP Home. Also
have Office 2003 running. Even after invoking the writing tablet and choosing
Undock, I cannot get the floating pad to open in an Excel spreadsheet without
tapping on the screen several times. Then,when it opens, it is entirely too
large for the amount of text I am entering (just numbers, one at a time). I
read on the Microsoft web site that it is supposed to open small and expeand
with the amount of text entered. Further, when I'm through with a particular
cell, then select another cell, the pad closes and requires me to tap several
times again to get it to open. It absolutely does not open simply if I hover
over a slected cell. I'm about to uninstall SP2/Tablet 2005 again, unless
someone can tell me that I've done something wrong or can point to something
specific I should do to make it work for me. Believe me, I'm not trying to be
obnoxious or anything, it's just that the previous "write anywhere" feature
made entering numbers into Excel cells so instictive. You simply undocked the
writing pad by clicking the pen icon and wrote virtually anywhere on the
screen to insert text into the selected cell! Has anyone else out there
encountered a problem with Tablet 2005 vis a vis this floating pad issue?

Chris H.

A slight correction here, please, the Tablet PCs all run Windows XP Pro as
the operating system, and when you update to XP Service Pack 2 you receive
the free upgrade to the Tablet PC Edition 2005.

I would also suggest you post your Tablet issues in the newsgroup, since this newsgroup is for the
OneNote program, not Tablets in general.

I have posted a lot of information in the other newsgroup in the past
several days about the usage of the Tablet Input Panel, both in Docked and
Undock modes, plus information on the little floating Access TIP icon. You
may find the information valuable to you.

What language is your operating system in, and which XP SP2 version did you
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
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