Tablet PC target



Hello, I have an access 2003(runtime) custom front-end application that uses
SQL Server 2000 as the back-end. Some users now what to run it on Tablet
PCs. Is there any reason why it wouldn't work on a tablet PC? Is the
operating system for the tablet pc the same as a regular pc? Or do you need
to create new .net applications to run on tablet pcs.


Larry Linson

Don said:
Hello, I have an access 2003(runtime) custom front-end application that
SQL Server 2000 as the back-end. Some users now what to run it on Tablet
PCs. Is there any reason why it wouldn't work on a tablet PC? Is the
operating system for the tablet pc the same as a regular pc? Or do you
to create new .net applications to run on tablet pcs.

There is a special edition of Windows for tablet PCs, but if they are
directly connected to the LAN or WAN where the server running SQL Server
resides, your Access application should work just as well as on desktop
machines (provided the network connections are as stable and solid as the
connections to the desktop machines).

If that is an Internet connection, however, accessing your database remotely
becomes more complicated. I'm not familiar with the "issues" involved, so if
you clarify that the connection is via Internet, someone else will have to

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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