Tabs changing heading styles


A Jackson

I have a rather large document (over 900 pages) formatted
using outlines, with heading styles 1,2 and 3. The
document also has numbered paragraphs with the body text
indented. When I add a new page sometimes I have to
realign the page and press tab to move the paragraph over.
But, when I press the tab button, it changes the paragraph
to bold and displays a heading style 4. If I press tab
again, it strolls through the heading styles, changing the
text each time. Also, I can't move the text over by using
the space bar. Sorry for being so long winded, but if you
can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

A Jackson

The problem I described usually happens on the first line
after I have inserted a page break.

Margaret Aldis

Instead of inserting a manual page break before your heading, make the
heading paragraph 'page break before'. (If you always want to start a new
page on that weight of heading, put it in the style.) That way Word will
handle the page breaking correctly for you, which is much better than trying
to fix it by hand.

I think that should solve this problem (and prevent a few others), but you
may also want to uncheck the AutoFormat As You Type option that makes tabs
change numbering levels - in Word 2002 it's 'Set Left and First Indent with
Tabs and Backspaces'

You will probably also find it useful to read up how to manage outline
numbering safely in Shauna Kelly's detailed instructions:

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