Tabs Onclick Event



Hi all
I have an unbound main form with couple of tabs with subforms embeded on
them. What I want to do is I have some control (ie txtboxes, cbo boxes, and
lstboxes) that I would like to be displayed depending on the selected tab.
I put some VBA code to control the visibility of these controls on the
OnClick event of each tab but I don't see anything being hidden or rather no
action fires.

How can i control hiding/unhiding of these controls depending on the current
tab I am on?

Any answer would be more than helpful.


ruralguy via

As you have discovered, the Click event is practically useless. Use the
Change event of the Tab Control.

Using YOUR TabCtl name of course!

Private Sub TabCtl2_Change()
On Error GoTo Err_TabCtl2_Change

Select Case Me.TabCtl2.value

Case 0
'-- You've moved to the 1st tab
'...Some code
Case 1
'-- You've moved to the 2nd tab
'...Some code
Case Else
'-- This will not occur with only two tabs
'...Some code
End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & vbCr & _
"Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_TabCtl2_Change

End Sub

ruralguy via

You're very welcome.
That was exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks Rural Guy.
As you have discovered, the Click event is practically useless. Use the
Change event of the Tab Control.
[quoted text clipped - 41 lines]

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