

Doug Robbins

Selection.InsertBefore String1 & vbTab & String2 & vbTab & String3 & vbTab &
String4 & vbTab & String5

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Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Using VBA how to move to the next Tabstop ?

I have 4 tabstops, and I want to type something at each of those tabstops. Using Selection.TypeText("\t") works only if the string in the previous tabstop is long enough to push it to the next tabstop. Any ideas anyone?

Helmut Weber

you don't have 4 tabstopps. You have defined the position of
4 possible tabstopps, but the tabs aren't yet there. I'd say,
create a line, which might be a paragraph in your case, with
the 4 tabs and jump from one to the next, maybe using a macro
"GotoNextTab", like "collapse", selection.find "^t", plus
"collapse" again.

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