in A1:
After sorting and using the if statement above I notice that out of th
duplicates tagged, the Dates to the duplicates are different which I
what I wanted.
In another cell I want to display the current date between any the tw
dates duplicate tagged rows.
for example
After sorting with the if statement I finds E1 and E2 and F1 and F2 th
same but G1 and G2 have different dates I would like in Columm B t
display the tag "New Version" in the same row of the newer date th
other blank.
E1 is Invoice 777 F1 is Invoice # 999 G1 is Inv date 09/11/200
E2 is Invoice 777 F2 is Invoice # 999 G2 is Inv date 06/11/2003
Problem is the dates could be any Dates from 2003 to now and are uniqu
to each duplicate.. humm any help???