Tagged Data



I am helping someone with a database that tracks language and language use.
They have a table that tracks specific utterances or phrases and then they
break down these phrases into the parts of the sentance (noun, verb, etc.),
tracking errors in speech. They've asked me if you can import or copy tagged
data into a field in a table and somehow hide and unhide the tags. I am
completely unfamiliar with tagged data and am not aware of any feature in
Access that could do this. An example of tagged data follows.
The original sentence is "What is the software are you using to add tags to
your data?"
Tagged: What_DTQ is_VBZ the_AT0 software_NN1 that_CJT you_PNP
are_VBB using_VVG to_TO0 add_VVI tags_NN2 to_PRP your_DPS data_NN0 ?_?
They are using the CLAWs tagger (see:
http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/ucrel/claws/trial.html) to tag
the data.
Any help I get on this would be appreciated. I'm stumped.


I would suggest importing the text into two fields. Then do an update to
replace the characters following an underscore and the underscore in the
first field.

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