Tagging And Sorting Text Boxes With Multiple Components



Hi, I am a graduate student using OneNote 2007. I am having difficulty
figuring out how to accomplish the following task:

1. Copy/Paste a small portion of text (in picture format) from a PDF in
Acrobat into a ON text-box, type the book’s name and page, and type some
notes. (I can do all this).
2. Tag the text box.
3. Sort all text-boxes by tag name.

The problem I am encountering is that it is not possible to tag the
text-box. Rather, each item in the text-box must be tagged individually.
This leads to search results which list each individual unit of the text box
separately, while I would like the entire text-box to be sorted together, as
a single unit.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this would be much appreciated.



Hi, I am a graduate student using OneNote 2007. I am having difficulty
figuring out how to accomplish the following task:

1. Copy/Paste a small portion of text (in picture format) from a PDF in
Acrobat into a ON text-box, type the book’s name and page, and type some
notes. (I can do all this).
2. Tag the text box.
3. Sort all text-boxes by tag name.

The problem I am encountering is that it is not possible to tag the
text-box. Rather, each item in the text-box must be tagged individually.
This leads to search results which list each individual unit of the text box
separately, while I would like the entire text-box to be sorted together, as
a single unit.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this would be much appreciated.

I assume that when you use "text-box" you are referring to the blob
of text that has an 'outline' around it when one left clicks in the
area. (I believe this is called a "container" by Microsoft.) If so,
the following may help you.

In OneNote 2010 Beta (and likely in earlier versions), try this:
Take a "screen clipping" (the ON feature) of the PDF selection you want
(for example, one or several paragraph in the PDF). (That is, do NOT
copy and paste or use any other technique for capturing the text from
the PDF.)

This screen clipping will be treated as one unit for purposes of
applying tags in ON.

However, it you want to tag just a single paragraph within a screen
clipping that has several paragraphs in it, one cannot do this directly,
as far as I know. As a work-around, you could create a new "container"
(by double clicking on top of the screen clipping) on the single
paragraph within the screen clipping you want to tag. Then insert your
tag in this new container; you MUST have text in the new container in
addition to the tag itself in order for the tag to show up in the search
results. When you then do a search, you will see this tag (and the text
you typed next to it) and you can link to the correct place in your
notebook. However, in the search box 'preview' you will see just your
tag and the text you typed, not the full paragraph text of your PDF;
however, as stated in the prior sentence, if you left click, you will be
taken to the actual paragraph where your tag is.

Does this help with your problem?


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