Tagging Misspell Words with "##"

Jul 17, 2021
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I need to tag a misspell words in a document, is it possible through macro, am doing manully by high light misspell word options.

Input: Whether there are any directors, 监事, and senior executives who disagree with the content of the semi-annual report or cannot guarantee its truthfulness, 准确、完整

Output : Whether there are any directors, ##监事, and senior executives who disagree with the content of the semi-annual report or cannot guarantee its truthfulness, ##准确、##完整 ,

Main objective is to identify the words otherthan english.... Document having english words and some native country words and values. only untranslated words to get identified with " ## "

Am going manually checking all the pages in a document, if it is automated by a macro i will check only ## tag descriptions, it will save my time and efficiency.