Tags - Noteflags upgrade still doesn't work in RTM



After reporting this bug back on Connect in Q2 2006, I'm afraid it still
doesn't seem to be fixed from my experience.

I upgraded from 2003 last night and my noteflags got copied over in some
sort of fashion but the icons and the labels all seem to have swapped around
making it very confusing. So I now have the same set of noteflag icons, but
all with all their meanings/names jumbled up.

I also have several tags that seem to have corrupt names of long garbled
characters - 30+ characters including wingdings and all sorts of bizarre
characters. This is both present in the tags summary and also when I hover
over tags

The machine I upgraded on had beta running previously some time back but I
removed every trace as far as I know , including registry keys and all Office
12 files. Onenote 2003 noteflags were working perfectly before the upgrade,
so I am disappointed that 2007 still doesn't seem to be able to upgrade

The upgrade was performed when I booted 2007 for the first time.


In addition , after installing Windows Desktop Search , when I run Tags
Summary I get duplicate entries,, an incorrect summary, it takes longer than
it should and then it crashes.
I sent an error report for this at 2pm GMT today (Sunday) via the usual
Windows error reporting tool to Microsoft.


Thanks for your reply
I can't answer your question directly I'm afraid as I just can't remember.
Certainly I know about the preferences file, but my memory fails me on this
occassion and I haven't got an exact audit trial of what I did as it was late
at night. My recycle bin is empty too, so I can't trace that way.
I'd be happy to reperform the exercise, though I could probably do with a
little guidance...
Situation I have is
- I have all the 2003 files on a different hard drive so can easily
reinstall 2003 to full working version
- I now have 2007 RTM installed with its upgraded 2003 data.

If I do reperform this exercise, this time double checking I delete the
preferences.dat file do I have to do through all the hassle of removing all
last traces of 2007, like I had to do for the beta (e.g. I even had to do all
the registry keys to remove it)?

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

You dont' need to reinstall OneNote 2003 or re-install 2007 (actually, even
if you tried, migration would re-trigger). What you need is to imitate the
first boot experience when we migrate all settings.

!!! Before you try the steps below please ensure that you have no remote
notebooks with unsync'ed content as the local cache will the wiped out and
rebuild !!!

The steps:
- Delete C:\Documents and Settings\<your account name>\Application
Data\Microsoft\OneNote\12.0 folder but make sure you keep C:\Documents and
Settings\<your account name>\Application
Data\Microsoft\OneNote\preferences.dat file as it contains 2003 noteflag
- Create HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Migration\OneNote
- Delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Migration\OneNote
- Delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\FirstBoot2007 key
- Boot OneNote

OneNote will think it's your first boot after upgrading from 2003 to 2007
and will migrate your preferences afresh (except those that are already in
the registry, if you'd like you could nuke them all, to do so delete
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options key as
well). OneNote won't re-migrate any sections though because you already have
OneNote Notebooks folder, it also should remember which notebooks you've had

If the noteflags still look bad please go to connect site and log a new bug,
we'd need both 2003 and created 2007 preferences.dat files from you and also
%temp%\OneNote_MigrationLog.log file.

Could you please post a reply on whether it worked?

Thanks for reporting the issues and for your patience!

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