Tags sorted by date



I was wondering, when using "Show All Tags" and choose "Group Tags By:" Date,
how are all the tagged notes supposed to be sorted? They just seem to be
listed randomly within the "Today's Notes", "Last Week's Notes", and "Older
Notes" groupings. Shouldn't the newer tagged notes be listed first and the
older tagged notes be listed last? This random sorting kind of makes the
grouping function useless, especially in the "Older Notes" grouping, which
has the bulk of my tagged notes.

BTW - the sort pages works how I'd expect. That is, the "A Long Time Ago"
listing lists the newer pages first and the older pages last.


Thanks for the response.

But this does not seem to be the case. But maybe I am not seeing it
correctly. Do you mean the Last Modified Date of the page or the tagged note?


As a follow-up question, what is the date that shows up like a tooltip when I
mouse over the tagged note in the tagged notes list? The date does not match
the date of the note when it was modified (by right clicking on the actual
tagged note) or the page date. I can't match it up with anything.


Been experimenting... the Older Notes sort varies (changes) depending on
which page I am on when do a Show All Tags (sorted by date). Is this a glitch
or is it by design?

The reason I am asking all these questions is I rely heavily on tagged
notes. I am not always getting current tags (by date) if I add a tag to an
old or previously created page. I am VERY disappointed in this discovery.

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