Take fraction out of the figure


0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

I would like to extract the fraction part out of a number. For example:
1.5 -> 0.5
23.45 -> 0.45
25 -> 0

Is there any simple way to do it?
Thank you.

Niek Otten

Please don't multi-post. Your question has been answered already

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

| Hi.
| I would like to extract the fraction part out of a number. For example:
| 1.5 -> 0.5
| 23.45 -> 0.45
| 25 -> 0
| Is there any simple way to do it?
| Thank you.
| --
| Additional information:
| - I'm using Office XP
| - I'm using Windows XP

0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

Did I? Where?
It must be a mistake. Sorry!

PS: Later I found out the duplicate post in excel forum. Sorry about that.

0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

Anyway I posted the answer here so to make the thread complete.


Thanks for your help.

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