taking emails to a clients


Neil Evans


I am at a clients tomorrow and need to take emails with me (stick, cd
whatever). I have tried exporting, opening and copying into a pst. But if
burn to cd or copy to memory stick always loses it permissions.

Is there an easy way to put on a memory stick that can plug in on their
system to display.

Thanks greatly for any suggestions

Brian Tillman

Neil Evans said:
I am at a clients tomorrow and need to take emails with me (stick, cd
whatever). I have tried exporting, opening and copying into a pst.
But if burn to cd or copy to memory stick always loses it permissions.

Is there an easy way to put on a memory stick that can plug in on
their system to display.

Do they have Outlook as well? If so, is the Windows account you'll be using
to attempt this an administrator (or perhaps Power User) account? You can
certainly just copy your PST to a memory stick, provided Outlook is closed
when you do. Do not export.

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