Tas Numbers Out of Sequence (Part 2)



What Jan suggested I do worked great however it was not actually what I was
trying to accomplish after all. It did reorder the tasks by their ID number
but what I guess I wanted to do was, becasue the tasks themselves are already
in the proper order, was to reassign new task ID #s based on the order that
tasks are presently in.

Is this even possible?

Jan De Messemaeker


Then I can tell you how to renumber automatically - providing the sorting
resopected the outline structure (meaning each task is still raked below its
summary task)
Foirst take a backup since there is no turning back
Go to Project, Sort, Sort by...
Make sure both checkboxes below are on
- Keep outline structure
- Permanently renumber tasks.
That does it
If the sort has ranged the tasks out of their outline structure there is no
automatic renumbering, sorry.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


I've had the same problem. I'm using Project 2007 Standard. When I select
the resort and premanent renumber option, it does the sort and renumber;
however, after I close and reopen the file, the numbers reverts back to the
original ID numbers. Has MS develope a patch for this problem?


Hello Joel,

In quick testing with Project 2007 with SP-1 and the Infrastructure
update installed, I see what you report. Sorry, neither seems to
have corrected that issue. I believe those are the latest patches.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project


Julie, thanks for the confirmation, but this "bug" really causes lots of
problems for my clients and me. This feature works in Project 2003, so MS
should have a "fix" for the problem by going back to version 2003. There are
a few other nuisance problems with printing that worked in version 2003, but
not in 2007.

Begging for a patch,



Hi Joel,

Sorry, I have no pull with Microsoft and their bug fixes. You can
certainly contact Microsoft support directly and they may have
better news than I or there may be a hot-fix that they have
available that I am unaware of.

If you have not installed SP-1 and the infrastructure update, I
suggest you do so -- it has solved some other problems -- sadly --
just not the renumbering one.

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.



Hi Joel,

You'll need to contact MS through any service agreement you may have
or you'll need to contact tech support. In Project, see Help > About
Tech Support for details on contacting MS. There is a support fee I


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