Task Custom Fields at PWA Views


Xavier López

Hi All,

I have created custom fields as status indicators (Task), I tested formulas
and show results in Project Professional Views and it works fine. I have
published this fields, but it didn't show any status light at PWA views, it
appear as blank fields instead. Am I missing something ??

Your comments will be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Xavier López

Hi Julie.

Thanks for your help.

Yes, I have followed similar steps, I have created a view in Enterprise
Global with this Custom Fields acting as Indicators. I opened several
projects, recalculated and republished them.

In Project Professional Views I see the those SpotLights OK, the problem
comes with PWA Views, The same field, contains no spotlight indicator and
nothing at all.

Any Idea?

Thanks again.


Hi Xavier,

You're welcome for the help I've given thus far :)

When you say you've performed similar steps, the FAQ is quite lengthy.
Did you perform all of the steps in the FAQ (with variations for the
fields, view names etc) -- particularly under the heading Create Custom
Views in Project Web Access?


Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for FAQs and more information about
Microsoft Project.

Xavier López

Hi Julie.

Yes, I followed the same steps as related in the FAQ (Of course, with
different formulas, and names). But the quiz was not in the procedure,
instead it was in the Enterprise Custom Field's name (Yes, believe me). The
name had two parentheses in it (E.g. TD (Task Delay) ), although it doesn't
seem to be a problem, when I renamed the field (Without parentheses = TD
Task Delay) the spotlight indicators appeared in the PWA Views!!.

A very strange issue.

Thanks, nevertheless, for your interest and support.

Kind Regards.



Hi Xavier,

How truly odd that the parentheses caused the problem! I'm glad you
found the solution and thanks for the feedback!


I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for FAQs and more information about
Microsoft Project.

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