Task Custom Working Days/Hours



I am using MSP2003 and have read quite a bit about project since I first
started using it just over a month ago but have not found my answer. We have
five different groups that work production and at times one or more may me
working abnormal hours to maintain schedule is there a way to set working
days/hours for a specific task or group of tasks. I have seen the ability to
end a task on a non-working day, but not begin or work through a weekend.

José Miguel Piñeres


Welcome to this Microsoft Project General Questions Discussion Group.

You could create especial calendars and then assign those calendars to the
tasks. In the Task information dialog box (double click on the task) select
the "Advanced" tab and then select the calendar to assign from the drop-down

If you have resources assigned to the task, and the resources have a
different calendar to that of the task, Project will look for common ground
time to deliver the task. If there is no common ground between the two
calendars, Project will show a warning dialog box advising of the problem.

Since you have the 2003 version, another work around would be to set a
especial calendar with the dates and times you need the resources to work on
those tasks, then assign the calendar to the resources involved.

It would be a lot easier in the 2007 version, since it allows you to set up
different workweek packages suitable to your needs or define calendar

I hope this helps. Please, let us know how you get along with it.

Best regards,

Jan De Messemaeker

With all due respect, IMHO, changing calendars was more efficient and much
easier in Project 2003. There too you could define a work week etc.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


I tried the different calendars; however, they soon ballooned out and became
difficult to keep track of. It is also tedious to create then save a new
calendar for almost every task change. But if that is all we have to work
with I guess I have no choice.

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