While publishing a project into the project server one
extra task is going to the project table(MSP_TASKS).(ie;if
i am publishing a project with two tasks using Microsoft
project professional then in the table(MSP_TASKS) three
entries are going with TASK_UID 0,1,2).Why this is
happening.What is the meaning of TASK_BASE_DUR_FMT value
21.How can I find out the sum of actual duration of all
published tasks of a project .I am unable to find out this
because one extra task is going to the table while
publishing a project.
Please help
While publishing a project into the project server one
extra task is going to the project table(MSP_TASKS).(ie;if
i am publishing a project with two tasks using Microsoft
project professional then in the table(MSP_TASKS) three
entries are going with TASK_UID 0,1,2).Why this is
happening.What is the meaning of TASK_BASE_DUR_FMT value
21.How can I find out the sum of actual duration of all
published tasks of a project .I am unable to find out this
because one extra task is going to the table while
publishing a project.
Please help