Task List Deletion error in Outlook 2003



I created a task request for several of my co workers. They can not open or
delete the task.
They can move it to a non system folder and that is all.

The error that is generated is "Can not find Task Folder" or Can not find

I have restored the system the task was crated on and found the list shows
that task as not sent. I assume that this is the recurring Task and not the
original. I found an article about either restoring your .pst or deleting
certain registry entries are thier any allternatives like moving to the Junk
mail then emptying the Junk folder?

Thanks for any help I can get.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

There are many Task Assignment postings here about recent problems.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

Kitrina via OfficeKB.com

I already have them doing this! The issue is I would like to know if in fact
this issue is because of a deleted link of some sort or if it could be a
permissions problem? I am working on designing a new system using the Task
Forms Request using a custom design from.

I need the ability for a low cost tracking system and thought this might be
the way. But each has limited
disc space and I am trying to eliminate this problem in the future and
correct it if possible.

I did search the DB and Chat records. The answer to just turn on grouping is
fine for the short term but
I was checking to see if I had missed a programming error on my part during
my search.

So Judy thank you for your expert opinion. You just may want to look at Acorn
Training and Consulting
they have some great customer service training.

There are many Task Assignment postings here about recent problems.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!
I created a task request for several of my co workers. They can not open or
delete the task.
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
Thanks for any help I can get.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

Did you assign a Task to a few people? Did you assign a recurring Task to a
few people? Or did you do something else - your post is now quite confusing.
At first it seemed you had the recent Task Assignment problems (and yes
there are many posts here about them) but now you've mentioned recurring,
custom forms and other stuff.

What exactly is your scenario - you are making us fly quite blind here.
Don't make us guess the details - few people here bother with posts that are
vague and then become more complex as we dig for the details.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn also has communication skills courses so think about what you haven't
said in your first post.

Kitrina via OfficeKB.com said:
I already have them doing this! The issue is I would like to know if in
this issue is because of a deleted link of some sort or if it could be a
permissions problem? I am working on designing a new system using the Task
Forms Request using a custom design from.

I need the ability for a low cost tracking system and thought this might
the way. But each has limited
disc space and I am trying to eliminate this problem in the future and
correct it if possible.

I did search the DB and Chat records. The answer to just turn on grouping
fine for the short term but
I was checking to see if I had missed a programming error on my part
my search.

So Judy thank you for your expert opinion. You just may want to look at
Training and Consulting
they have some great customer service training.

There are many Task Assignment postings here about recent problems.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!
I created a task request for several of my co workers. They can not open
delete the task.
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
Thanks for any help I can get.

Kitrina via OfficeKB.com


Thank you for responding. Based on my reading I felt the only relevant
information was
what I had posted earlier, that being the following:

1) Created a task
2) Sent said task to multiple people
3) That they could not delete it
4) That they could move it to a non system folder

Error message on attempted deletion
"Can not find Task Folder" or can not find Object.

So in thinking about what you said the following are the parameters and sorry
for the earlier vagueness.

1) Created a single NON recurring Task for multiple users.
2) The task had three tabs or (pages)
a) First Tab was the standard Task request Page.
b) The Second Tab was the Response to the task and continued information
about the task request
c) 1 field I created.
d) I did not send the form definition with the request

Temporary work around has been to move it to the Junk Folder so it is out of
the Inbox.

We currently use Outlook 2003 and we use a mail exchange service.

Hope this is more to the point.

Did you assign a Task to a few people? Did you assign a recurring Task to a
few people? Or did you do something else - your post is now quite confusing.
At first it seemed you had the recent Task Assignment problems (and yes
there are many posts here about them) but now you've mentioned recurring,
custom forms and other stuff.

What exactly is your scenario - you are making us fly quite blind here.
Don't make us guess the details - few people here bother with posts that are
vague and then become more complex as we dig for the details.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn also has communication skills courses so think about what you haven't
said in your first post.
I already have them doing this! The issue is I would like to know if in
[quoted text clipped - 36 lines]

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