Task Pad Disappeared



In Calendar view, I moved the item named "TaskPad" at the
top of the list in an attempt to move the entire Task
Pad. When I moved it to the top of the screen, it
disappeared completely and I cannot find it. I tried XP's
System Restore, but it didn't come back. I tried
Office's Decect and Repair, but it didn't come back. How
do I get the TaskPad box to reappear?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

hover around the top, bottom and right side and when the cursor changes,
pull.... start at the edge you last pulled it towards... you can also look
on the view menu and see if taskpad is listed...

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
http://www.poremsky.com - http://www.cdolive.com

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