I would really like to customise the Open Document Task
Pane in Word XP to constantly show a shortcut to creating
new docs based on 4 templates. I would also like to hide
the general templates option from the pane. Is there any
way this can be done or will I have to create a new Open
Document Task Pane-which I don't know how to do either.
I am OK with Word VBA but my experience is with all
previous versions.
Thank you very much.
I would really like to customise the Open Document Task
Pane in Word XP to constantly show a shortcut to creating
new docs based on 4 templates. I would also like to hide
the general templates option from the pane. Is there any
way this can be done or will I have to create a new Open
Document Task Pane-which I don't know how to do either.
I am OK with Word VBA but my experience is with all
previous versions.
Thank you very much.