task representing gap


Daniel Lowicki

Hi .. this is about the task list. I have two tasks. One ends well before
the next one starts.
What I want to do is add another task inbetween to mark this delay. So I
need a task that starts after the first and ends before the second task. The
delay in days should be calculated.

E.g (ddmmyyyy).

Task1, 5d, Start: 1.1.2008, End: 5.1.2008
DELAY, 4d, Start: 6.1.2008, End: 9.1.2008 <-- This should line should
change if task 1 or 2 change!
Task2, 5d, Start: 10.1.2008, End: 15.1.2008

Is this possible?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Daniel --

Instead of using a dummy task to represent the delay, why don't you add Lag
time to the task dependency instead. Here's what you do:

1. Select Task 1 and Task 2 and click the Link Tasks button on your
standard toolbar. This will set a Finish-To-Start (FS) dependency between
the two tasks.
2. In the Gantt Chart on the right, double-click the link line between the
two tasks. This will open the Task Dependency dialog.
3. In the dialog, enter 4d in the Lag field and then click the OK button.

Regarding having the gap change automatically if the Duration of either Task
1 or Task 2 changes, that isn't going to happen. That's something you would
need to do manually. Just a thought. Hope this helps.

Mike Glen

Hi Daniel,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Firstly, don't type in dates as that will introduce constraints that may
affect the flexibility of Project. You enter the tasks, Durations and the
Precedence links, and Project will do what it's designed to do - create a
schedule with what you've entered.

Thereby hangs an answer - put Finish to Start precedence links between the 3
tasks (select them all and click the link button).

Alternatively, forget the middle task, create a FS link between the 2 tasks
and add a lead time of the delay you want.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for Project Tutorials

Daniel Lowicki

Thanks Dale, thanks Mike,

I stepped through the advised steps and learnt a bit more about Project.

The date of task 3 I have to type since it follows something from another
project plan. Possibly it can be linked to that external file but I really
don't want to depend on a second file.
Adding a delay is not exactly what I need either .. guess I will have to
continue to maintain this line manually. The person I discuss the plans
hates Gannt .. all he wants to see is the task list. Of cours you see the
lag in this list but I have to calculate the days myself .. which is not
what I want.

Appreciate your input.



If it is for visual purposes, why don't you use a hammock task. Create a
new task. Make sure the task type is not fixed duration. You should be
selecting and copying the date from one cell and then pasting - "paste link"
option. (paste finish of first task to start of hammock and start of 2nd
task to finish of hammock)

Caution is require when using Hammocks - I would read previous disussions on
this before proceeding.

Also, I would make a note eg Text1, that this task is a hammock


Daniel Lowicki

Hi Colin,

this hammock thing sounds very interesting. Obviously it even works within a
document. Seems to me like a fix for my problem.



Hi Daniel

Thanks for the feedback. I've being reading these posts for years and I
thought I'd give something back.

Please rate the posts to let other peolpe know it the information was helpful.



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