Jerry Yasir
Hi All
Can any one tell me what is the formula to Calculate the tasks that are
Starting Late. I had tried the following formula but it is not
working. Existing formula or any guideline to create such formulas
will be highly appreciated.
Tasks Starting Late = IIf([% Work Complete]="0%" And [Start] >[Current
Date] And [Actual Start]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"Starting Late","On
Thanks and Regards
Can any one tell me what is the formula to Calculate the tasks that are
Starting Late. I had tried the following formula but it is not
working. Existing formula or any guideline to create such formulas
will be highly appreciated.
Tasks Starting Late = IIf([% Work Complete]="0%" And [Start] >[Current
Date] And [Actual Start]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"Starting Late","On
Thanks and Regards