Yes, it does. First of all, effort driven and non-effort driven settings
only have an effect when you either ADD or REMOVE bodies from tasks that
already have one or more resources assigned to them. Assume a task that is
5 days duration that has 1 resource, Rocky, assigned to it at 100% and I've
set its task type to Fixed Duration. I now add a second resource,
Bullwinkle, to it. If the task is effort driven, the total work is split
between the two resources so that Rocky's initial 40 hours of work becomes
20 hours for each of them. Since the task is fixed duration their assigment
percentage becomes 50% each, 5 days duration, 20 hours of work each. If I
make the task non-effort driven before adding Bullwinkle, the 40 hours of
work Rocky originally had is replicated, Bullwnkle also getting assigned 40
hours. Duration is still 5 days, Rocky and Bullwinkle are now both at 100%
instead of 50% as before, and total work is 80 hours instead of 40.