Task Updates with Hours per day



Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered but I couldn't find
it. In PWA 2007 I would like to use my tasks to update progress and not use
timesheets. How can the updates in My Tasks be made with hours per day?
Currently all that is available is work completed for the entire time and
work remaining. I would like to have the time entered for each specific date
for a given period.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


First you need to change your tracking settings. It sounds like you're
missing one checkbox on the "Task Settings and Display" page which you reach
from Server Settings > Time and Task Management Section. In the reporting
display section of this page, select the checkbox for "Resource should
report their hours worked every day."

Next republish your projects so that tasks conform to the new settings. Then
take a look at the following:



Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com


Thank you. I think this is going to solve my problem. I had the Task Settings
correct but I do not have SP1 installed. I am in the process of installing
that and then I will make the necessary web part change and I should be good
to go. Thanks again for your prompt help.

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