Task Updates


Daniel McG

I put into place a rule that is supposed to take care of approving all of the
task updates. That rule is not working for whatever reason. Everytime
someone updates a task, I still have to go in there and approve the task
update. What I usually do is i will go back to the manage rules page and
click on the rule that I have running and I will run it (although it is
already running) and it will then approve the updates automatically. I have
it setup to "automatically run this rule." Under request types I have "task
updates - all updates" selected. Then for Projects and Resources I have "all
current and future projects" selected. Do I have to go somewhere else to
have this rule run all of the time? Any help would be appreciated.

Ray McCoppin

I had a similar problem. After checking and double checking I found that a
access denied message in the ULS logs on the server. After checking the
settings for PM and resetting them to standard values the Auto Updates worked.
This Database was migrated from 2003 and the security settings are kind of

Hope this Helps!

Daniel McG


Thanks for the information. With some of it I am lost though. Could you
give me a little run down on how to check for that stuff. When you talk
about PM, I am assuming that you mean Project Manager. If that is correct,
where do I go to set those values to standard. I appreciate your help.

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