Task vs To Do



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

What is the difference between Tasks and To Do

William Smith [MVP]

What is the difference between Tasks and To Do

Just like all squares are rectangles, all Tasks are To Do items. And
just like all rectangles are *not* squares, not all To Do items are Tasks.

A To Do item has a start time, stop time and a Reminder time. And it is
created from something such as a message, a contact, a calendar event
or any other item in Entourage.

To Do replaces the old "flag message" feature in earlier versions of
Entourage and Outlook. It's like a "flag message" on steroids instead of
just a marker for something to act on later.

A Task is a To Do item that you create from scratch. It too has a start
time, stop time and a Reminder time. Optionally, you can set up
recurring Tasks with more complexity such as "Get your hair cut every
fifth Sunday".

Hope this helps!



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