Taskbar buttons disappear



hallo guys, do you have any idea that the taskbar buttons disappear! I
minimize them but no buttons here... all hidden!! someone can help me?

Al Christoph

I'm having this happen on one of my boxes with Outlook 2003. I don't use it
on that box very often so I'm unclear when the problem began. I noticed it
after i installed CRM 3.0.

What happens is that I start Outlook. Minimize it. No button on the task bar
even though the outlook window did the shrink to task bar effect. Look in
processes in task manager it's still therre!!!! (For the techies it's not
very functional. If if find the process in VB 2005 and appactivate it the
appactivate causes an exception.)

Just rremoved CRM. No change.

Just did Repair. No change.

UGH! Guess I'll try uninstalling and reinstallilng.

Oh dear me that didn't even fix it.

BTW: I did the latest MS office updates today.

Guess I might as well entirely remove Office.

OK That does it. Complete reinstall and the program still has the problem.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Al,

My bet would be that you have Outlook configured to hide when minimized.
Start Outlook. Minimize it. Look on the system tray (next to the clock)
and see if there is an Outlook icon there. Right-click it and see if "Hide
When Minimized" is checked. Uncheck it (if you want to).

I prefer it hidden when minimized, personally. Cleans up my interface and
I can easily restore it by double-clicking the icon on my system tray.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenote.html


BTW, my problem is anythings (all Taskbar buttons) disappear no buttons in
here! now, still cannot figure out what happen! if any idea is appreciated.

thx a lot

Al Christoph

Silly question: Are you seeing the task bar at all? If not you have the auto
hide feature on, or you have dragged it to the size of just a line or you
have it set not to be on top.



on sorry, should be my question not clear, my question is all taskbar buttons
disappear not the tarkbar hidden and not dragged into a line and all is on
the top, so, I don't know what happen and why all my open tasks disappear in
taskbar buttons area but if I press "Alt+Tab" keys I can see and change to
any task to my active task window.

any guys have idea?!

thx a lot

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